Leaving Rockport with a Plan to Go to Essex

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Our plan had been to leave Rockport and enter the Essex Bay and then go up the Essex River to the town of Essex. 

The day started with the ever-energetic Caroline getting a picture of sunrise in the harbor.
Sunrise in Rockport Harbor

She then rented a bike and went to see a house made of paper (?!)   and then renting a kayak to get some fun pictures of Sunny Tug from the water.

Caroline Kayaking

Sunny Tug in Rockport - at the base of Motif #1
I went ashore to do some local exploring and then we were ready to set off for our next destination, the town of Essex. 

We had tried to call for a reservation at Essex Marina.  The one employee we had talked with was not sure if they had room and said we had to talk with his boss.  We left messages but were not getting any responses, but thought we would try and see what happens.   The Ranger 29 is small enough that Marinas can usually fit you in, even if they are "full."

Enroute to Essex Bay

It was a lovely day to be out boating!


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