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Sunday September 29, 2019 Days 44 on the Loop – Grand Rivers, KY (Green Turtle Bay Marina) (0 miles) Nice lie-in this morning, and then a boat-chore of cleaning out the sea-strainer for the air conditioning system. The main engine, generator, and air conditioning/heating systems all are cooled (or in the case of the heating system, heated) by "raw" water. This water from outside of the boat. Water is pulled into the boat by pumps. As the water enters the boat it is put through a strainer so that debris or plant life in the water does not get into the system it is feeding. Part of the care and feeding of these is ensuring that the strainer does not have debris in it. Debris would inhibit the flow of water. I am still trying to figure out how water that is 80 degrees manages to cool work to cool down air so that it produces 60 degree cool air. The most important thing is that it does work!!! The hardes...