Shopping for Anchors & Trousers, and a Visit to the Curiosity Museum

Saturday, August 31 2019 Day 22 on the Loop – Alton, IL (0 miles) After a late start I drove to the West Marine in St. Charles to pick up some lines for the two additional round fenders I had purchased after experiences in the locks taught me that I needed more protection for Sunny Tug! While I was there I also picked up a smaller anchor that I am going to try as a stern anchor, when one of those is called for when anchoring out. The shopping center was great in that a Bass Pro Shop was just opposite West Marine and there was a Duluth Trading across the way, and a Firemans' Sub shop for lunch! I had a $25 gift certificate to Bass Pro Shop and used that to help buy three shirts, which I will need for my upcoming trip to Britain. Funny to think that "dressing up" now consists of putting on a button up shirt. I have also ordered some slacks and black shoes online to complete the outfits. I drove back and parked the car at...