Background on the Adventure

My Great Loop adventure began when I helped a friend move his sailboat from the Sacramento Delta to Redwood City Marina, located in San Francisco Bay.  Parked next door to his sailboat at the Owl Harbor Marina was a Ranger Tug and I was very taken with the jaunty little tug.

Fast forward to (via a number of boat shows, Trawlerfests, and lots of reading) to the summer of 2017 when I chartered a 36 foot American Tug (Grey Goose) in the San Juan Islands of Washington.   

Although she was a beautiful boat, she was way too big for me to feel comfortable handling by myself.

In the summer of 2018 I chartered a Ranger 29 Tug (Tug Time), that was much more comfortable to handle and seemed to be the ideal boat for the Loop.  

I also attended two "Rendezvous' of the  Americas Great Loop Cruisers' Association and learned a tremendous amount.  This was also where I met Michael Martin from Curtis Stokes, who would become my broker and Cindy Lewis, who would arrange financing.


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